Graduate Programs
Graduate Programs
Master of Arts in Communication

Degree Type: Communication, MA
The fully online Master of Arts in Communication at UCCS prepares you to excel in an array of careers, enabling graduates to reach diverse audiences to solve complex communication problems. Our program is all about personal growth and professional development.
We have a wide range of classes, and depending on your interests and career goals, you can choose classes in professional communication, emphasizing leadership, organizational, or strategic communication. Or you can select a focus in applied media studies. We help you customize the program to fit your aspirations and strengthen your professional writing, speaking, and digital/multimedia communication skills.
Accelerated Bachelor’s/Master’s Degree Program

Degree Type: Communication, MA
This degree option allows current undergraduate Communication students to pursue both their Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Communication and their Master of Arts (MA) degrees at the same time.
The program allows for up to nine credit hours to be used for both the B.A. and M.A. It is designed to be approximately a five-year program for currently enrolled UCCS students.
Leading Through Change Badge

In addition to our graduate degree tracks, we also offer a graduate Leading Through Change badge. This badge empowers individuals to expertly navigate communication challenges when driving change within their teams and organizations. Whether it's managing virtual and inclusive communication or building teams that can thrive in times of change, this program equips leaders with the skills they need to succeed. By earning this badge, you'll unlock opportunities to advance your career, enhance your team's performance, assess change needs, and create agile, resilient organizations.
Data Analysis Essentials Badge

The Data Analysis Essentials Badge has been designed to equip you with the essential tools to analyze data. Using Excel, you will learn how to conduct chi-square tests, t-tests, and ANOVAs, and report those results to drive informed decisions. Upon successful completion, participants will receive a recognized micro-credential certifying their competence in Data Analysis Essentials.
Whether you're a student seeking to bolster your analytical skills, a professional looking to enhance your data analysis capabilities, or an organization aiming to empower your team with essential statistical knowledge, our program offers a structured and accessible learning experience. Contact Janice Thorpe for more information.