General Communication

The General Communication track offers students a broad foundation in communication concepts, which can be applied to any career field

Required Courses

The required courses provide an understanding of but are not limited to: communication theory, interpersonal communication, how to work with people and teams and negotiate conflict in an organizational environment, effectively give business presentations and publicly express ideas, conduct an interpret research, assume a leadership role to inspire and empower followers, and how to use rhetoric in a positive manner to be more persuasive in their personal and professional lives.

The foundation courses introduce students to the other tracks such as Professional Communication, Digital Filmmaking and Media Arts, and Media Studies. Then they choose four elective courses to tailor their focus to their desired career path while still keeping their options open if they change careers throughout their lives.

General Communication Track (PDF)


Required CoursesCourse #Course Title
6 courses/18 Credit Hours 
COMM 1020Interpersonal Communication
COMM 2030Introduction to Communication Theory
COMM 2100Public Speaking
COMM 2500Research Methods
COMM 3440Organizational Leadership
COMM 4000Rhetorical Dimensions in Communication

Foundation Courses

Foundation CoursesCourse #Course Title
Select one course from each category 
for a total of 3 
classes/9 credit hours
Category 1: Professional Communication
COMM 2240Principles of Organizational and Strategic Communication
COMM 2440Leadership Theory and Practice
COMM 3150Communication Competency in Groups and Teams
Category 2: Digital Filmmaking and Media Arts
COMM 2270Sports and Studio TV Production
COMM 3460Digital Film Editing
COMM 4170Documentary Film and Video
Category 3: Media Studies
COMM 1000Contemporary Mass Media
COMM 3650Mass Media and Society
COMM 4140Media Effects

Elective Courses

Elective CoursesCourse #Course Title

Students may choose any four courses (12 credit hours) from the list unless they took that class as a Foundation Course.

Please note the prerequisite courses required for desired upper division courses in order to take them early in the program of study.

Students are encouraged to complete an internship during their program of study

COMM 1000Contemporary Mass Media
COMM 1050Introduction to Professional Communication
COMM 2010Oral Communication in the Workplace
COMM 2150Gender and Communication
COMM 2200Introduction to Sport Communication
COMM 2240Principles of Organizational and Strategic Communication
COMM 2250Introduction to Film and Video (Meets LAS Hum. Req.)
COMM 2270Sports and Studio TV Production
COMM 2440Leadership Theory and Practice
COMM 2900Writing for the Media
COMM 3000TV Workshop - Studio
COMM 3010TV Workshop - Writing
COMM 3100Directing for Film and Television
COMM 3150Communication Competency in Groups and Teams
COMM 3200Principles and Practices of Public Relations
COMM 3230Nonverbal Communication
COMM 3240Business and Professional Comm
COMM 3250Principles and Practices of Advertising
COMM 3270Digital Cinematography
COMM 3280Intercultural and Global Communication
COMM 3300Screening Writing
COMM 3350Integrated Marketing Communication
COMM 3400Digital Communication Technologies
COMM 3450The History of TV Programming
COMM 3460Digital Film Editing
COMM 3480Health Communication: Media Perspectives
COMM 3800Strategic Communication Tactics (Offered Fall semester Only)
COMM 3850Walt Disney: The Nexus of Communication and Imagination (Offered Fall semester Only)
COMM 4050PR and Social Media
COMM 4090Emerging Communication Technologies
COMM 4100Advanced Public Speaking (meets LAS Oral Comm. Req.)
COMM 4110Communication Competence
COMM 4140Media Effects
COMM 4150Communication for the Classroom Teacher
COMM 4160Communication, Training, and Consulting
COMM 4170Documentary Film and Video
COMM 4200Persuasion (Meets LAS Soc. Sci. Req.)
COMM 4220Creative Communication (Meets LAS Soc. Sci. Req.) (Offered Spring semester only)
COMM 4230Crisis Communication
COMM 4240Advanced Organizational and Strategic Communication
COMM 4250Advanced Interpersonal Communication: Conflict Management (Meets LAS Soc. Sci. Req.)
COMM 4270Digital Film Production (COMM 2250 Prerequisite) (Offered Spring semester only)
COMM 4280Multicultural Diversity and Workplace Communication (Offered Spring semester only)
COMM 4290Communication, Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility
COMM 4300Ethical Issues in Communication
COMM 4460Advanced Editing & Colorization
COMM 4600Virtual Teams
COMM 4690Internship in Communication (Permission to Register required from Internship Director)
COMM 4740Entertainment Theory and Research
COMM 4770Leadership Communication in a Global Environment
COMM 4800Strategic Communication & Campaigns
COMM 4840Health Communication: Interpersonal Perspectives
COMM 4900Special Topics in Communication (Approval required from the Director of Undergraduate Studies)
COMM 4950Seminar in Leadership and Organizational Change
COMM 9400Independent Study (Approval required from the Director of Undergraduate Studies)

*All courses are subject to change based on the needs of the department

Suggested 1st Year

Course #Course Title
COMM 1020Interpersonal Communication (Meets LAS Soc. Sci. Req.)
COMM 2030Introduction to Communication Theory
One Foundation CourseSelect a foundation course from the previous table

Suggested 2nd Year

Course #Course Title
COMM 2100Public Speaking (Meets LAS Oral Comm. Req.)
COMM 2500Research Methods
Foundation CourseSelect a foundation course from the previous table

Suggested 3rd Year

Course #Course Title
COMM 3440Organizational Leadership (Meets LAS Soc. Sci. Req.)
Foundation CourseSelect a foundation course from the previous table
Elective CourseSelect an elective course from the previous table

Suggested 4th Year

Course #Course Title
COMM 4000Rhetorical Dimensions in Communication (Meets LAS Hum. Req.)
Elective CourseSelect an elective course from the previous table
Elective CourseSelect an elective course from the previous table


Carmen Stavrositu, Ph. D.
Associate Professor
Academic Office Building 506
(719) 255-4024

Laura Eurich M.A.
Associate Chair, Communication Department
Senior Instructor
Director of Undergraduate Studies/lnternships
Academic Office Building 518
(719) 255-4112

Note: All communication majors should receive academic advising with Professor Eurich at least once a year.