Katie Sullivan, Ph.D.

Katie Sullivan, Ph.D.

Director of Graduate Studies/Associate Professor Communication
ACAD 530
ACAD 530


Katie Sullivan joined the Department of Communication at the University of Colorado, Colorado Springs in the fall of 2017. Previously, she taught at Lund University in Sweden. Katie’s research reflects her expertise in strategic and organizational communication, as well as a commitment to people’s inclusion and equality at work and home. She studies the role of branding in contemporary professional life; the intersections between professionalization, gender, and embodiment; and diversity in organizations and occupations. Katie’s work has been published in outlets such as Gender, Work & Organization, Human Relations, Management Communication Quarterly, Organization and Organization Studies. Outside of work, Katie enjoys parenting her energetic and sweet toddler, traveling overseas, and working alongside her partner to keep their 100-year-old house standing.


  • Ph.D. Organizational Communication, University of Utah.
  • M.A., Speech Communication, University of South Dakota.
  • B.A., Communication, Augustana College, South Dakota.